Here in Alaska, we have the Explorers as some of you had previously mentioned, but also a couple other programs.
I currently work as a Community Service Officer for the University Police Department here in Fairbanks. Our job responsibilities encompass a very large variety of tasks, but our motto "students in partnership with the UAF PD" really sums it up well.
We are non-confrontational in nature, so that excludes us immediately from some activities, but other then that, we are directly involved in most aspects of the Police Department. We have our own set of responsibilities, but also have the blanket responsibility of assisting the police officers when needed.
Most of the students who have come out of the CSO program have gone into policing, often very easily. The experience working with the Police Department is invaluable for someone seriously considering a career in law enforcement. It also helps that working here gives you an almost guarenteed recommendation from our Chief of Police.
Other police departments have Volunteers in Policing, which essentially the same program, except it usually is unpaid.
It's worth checking into, most likely they have some sort of program like this in your area. It has to be about the best experience you can get in Law Enforcement without actually being a police officer.
You can always PM me for more info,