Latigo layout

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Reaction score
Thousand Oaks
# of dives
25 - 49
Hey guys,
I'm headed out to Latigo tonight and was wondering what the layout of the sights are? I've dived there only once breifly and want give it a good explore tonight. I know theres kelp way out and maybe reef out from the point. Any advice for Latigo?

When i tryed diving there we kinda went west. Dont really rember alot only because it was really Surgy, and bad viz. Hope you have better luck then i did when i did it. :)
Reporting back from the dive. We could see a line of kelp from the cliff. Swam straight out from the stairs, dropped at the kelp then followed it SW. Lots of rock and kelp around. Not a whole lot to see in the area we hit, a little bare in some places. Vis was decent from the protection of point dume. Methinks further SW towards the small point for next time or NE.

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