Last Person To Post Gets $20

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Don't ya just hate it when that happens?
Now we need a caption contest for that puppy.
...don't post, don't post, you have a life...don't post

That's about 19.99 short Diverbry
Where'd everybody go?
Well, hello. How are you all tonight. I'm so glad. Now GET LOST!!

(I'm sorry, I ran a little short on my Prozac today. Please forgive the

STUPID ^(&%$&*_ &SSHO^(&*U%$%)

again, I'm sorry...I also had a problem with the medicine for my Turette's Syndrome. Please forgive me.)

Oops, my incontinence...uh, be back later.
*whew* OK, I'm anyway, at the risk of having to pay myself the, apparently, all-important $20 game object fee, let me just say publicly that I probably violated some Terms-of-Service in my last post, and, if you are a Mod or other board official, please understand that I don't normally do that sort of thing, and I certainly didn't mean it in an offensive way or in any way derogatorily toward any person or group of people here or anywhere else. It's just that, well, it's $20. I've never actually won $20 before. That'll buy me 4 air fills at Casino Point on Catalina Island. You can understand that, can't you. I know, I know...that doesn't excuse bad behavior. *sigh* mea culpa! I feel the lessening of my karmic accounts as we (well I) speak (soliloquize). I'll probably be reborn as a sea cucumber for you to pick up and hurl as if I were a pool torpedo, or put on your head like a mohawk and turn to all your dive buddies for their approval. Just think, that's me you're passing between your legs as if I were a giant t*rd at 65' down, and all because I wanted a $20 prize so I could go diving, I mean, so I could get my sick grandmother her medicine.
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