Curious whether anyone had monovision PRK/Lasik done and how that came out.
I currently wear contacts that correct my right, dominant eye for near vision (distance to computer monitor) and the left eye for distance. Normally, the dominant eye is corrected for distance but my brain had no problem with the reverse and this makes more sense for me. Depth gauge/dive computer is on my right, Navi in a car is on the right right, pistol sights are on my right, and so on. Especially for shooting, monovision allows to have both close and far in focus, something even younger eyes could not do.
I had PRK last year with mono vision. At first it was amazing. However as healing continued and my vision changed it became apparent my surgeon under corrected. By the time my vision fully stabilized I was wearing readers again.
I had lasik 20+ years ago for my distance vision. As time went by I needed a bit of a correction. PRK was my only option since I had lasik previously. The healing process is much longer and the regimen much more involved. I loved the brief period when I was able to ditch my readers.
My surgeon has offered to correct one eye but I am not prepared to go through that all over again.