I had a PRK about 2 years ago and it worked out fine. Rogaine referred to an older method of doing PRK with a scapel, but it is now done with a laser.
PRK,(as opposed to LASIK) surgury is required when the cornea of the lens is too thin. They could not do LASIK on these corneas a few years ago, the laser PRK procedure makes it possible.
Unlike LASIK, PRK requires about a week to heal fully as Web Monkey noted. I'll avoid the gross details, but it requires some scraping to remove the top cell layer on the cornea, you must wear a "bandage contact lens" for about 48 hours, and daily follow up with your opthamologist. The process is painless, but for at least 24 hours you feel like someone is poking a finger in your eye. Yucck.
Now for the good news, My distance vision is 20/20 in the left eye, better than that in the right eye. I accomplished my goal; I can dive and function on the dive boat without corrective lenses. I still need reading glasses for close up, which is very common after age 45. There is no currently accepted operation that will correct for presbyopia. I use a magnifying lens in my mask to read my guages and see the screen on my digital camera.
I had my operation done in the off season, I had at least 2 months without diving. Occasionally I wake up with a painfully dry eye. Drops help.
I didn't realize how much more of the world I would see without glasses. Lines are not distorted, and I see a lot more driving and diving.
Good luck,