Laser Eye Surgery

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had it done about 5-6 years ago. 2 weeks before i went in the water again.
Just a few question ref Eye Laser surgery did anybody have the procedure done to them and how long did they wait before going back into the water lets stick to what the doctor advised you.

I had LASIK about five years ago. The doc said to wait two weeks before diving. I was conservative and waited three . . . :D Good luck with the surgery.
I actually had a cornea transplant. Specifically a Anterior Lamellar graft. My surgeon and I chose this particular type of graft so that I could continue diving after complete healing. Unfortunately, complete healing took about a year, a very long, DRY, year.
It sounds like you are doing some form of Lasik as Radial Keratotomy usually deals with cutting of the cornea with an actual scalpal.....
The other is PRK, were the eye is sculpted with the laser. It took me about a month before I could dive after that.
I had LASIK done over a year ago... best $$$$ I eveer spent. I had to wait a month before I was in the water.... I'll never forget being able to open my eyes under water without worrying about my contacts floating away. I highly reccomend it and I agree... don't go the cheap route.
My doc said it was best to wait 2 months just to make sure there would be no chance of infection.He says that he does not worry too much about the flap getting traumatized by rubbing or anything like that after 10 days or so , but the main fear is infection of the surgery site.
Anyway,,,,,,4 out of 5 doctors agree to disagree
Aww heck, our Dr. probably tells everyone the flap story because that just sounds so much more horrible than an eye infection to people and makes them more likely to listen to him. We're a hard-headed, athletic lot in the PNW. The odds of the flap lifting are small but present, the odds of infection are much greater. Your Dr. is absolutely right. Granted, both are serious, but to the average joe which sounds scarier?

The flap of your cornea being misplaced or torn off.
An eye infection?
Had my eyes lasered on 12/07/2005 and was diving February 7. I really like not fooling with contacts in the morning and evening.
Only issue is that my contacts presecription had 'monovision' so that one eye did reading and one eye did distance. Now, with both eyes 20/20, I end up wearing reading glasses (my age 46) a lot for working on a PC and reading. If I were a big game hunter or fighter pilot, the 20/20 would be ideal, but much of my day to day is in the 18" to 4' reading range.
Ok guys here it is...... Ask your doc to insert tubes into your tear ducts. This will increase your tear flow and you will never have dry eyes again. The tubes will last as long as you do.I had a afriend do my eyes about 4 years ago,,,,free ($$$$$) since I'm in the biz. Being that I was in my late fortys I had mono vision done. My left is for closeup and my right is for distance. People who try this with contacts have problems adjusting to it ( I could never adjust) When ever you blink your contact rotates and throws you off. But once I had it done permantally I have no problems. Afterall your eyes don't rotate like your contacts

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