Large Print Recreational Dive Table

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Rochester, NY
Does anyone know if a Large Print version of the PADI Recreational Dive Tables are available? I have trouble reading mine when I am underwater even when I use my prescription lens mask.
You could always enlarge one on a color copier and laminate it. I have a quarry map done that way which works nicely.
Yeah, just enlarge it to 8.5x11, double-side copy it, and laminate it. Bam! You're done.
Isn't anyone going to chime in with the **** and ***** about PADI's proprietary rights on this one . . . oops, guess i just did :wink:.
I will guess that copying your own table and inlarging it for your own use would be OK
If they (PADI) are not going to publish a table in a size that is usable to you, than what can they say about you doing so for your own use ?

Scuby Dooby:
Isn't anyone going to chime in with the **** and ***** about PADI's proprietary rights on this one . . . oops, guess i just did :wink:.
As long as the individual has one of the PADI produced tables stashed away for each copy in use, it would be difficult to establish that this would not be "fair use".
:wink: The real question is why do you need to read the tables underwater?

Plan Your Dive, Dive Your Plan.

Do you take them to just check if your planning was correct? Do that on the surface.

If you are changing the plan in the water using tables more than your eye sight is going. If you want the freedom to change your plan while in the water get a computer.
:wink: The real question is why do you need to read the tables underwater?

Plan Your Dive, Dive Your Plan.

Do you take them to just check if your planning was correct? Do that on the surface.

If you are changing the plan in the water using tables more than your eye sight is going. If you want the freedom to change your plan while in the water get a computer.

Dont forget that computers fail and accidents can happen which can change your dive plan. It is always good to carry a copy of the dive table in your BC pocket for those emergencies that you never planned for. If your lucky this will never happen to you but if it does you will be glad you had it with you to calculate if a emergency decompression stop is required.

PS: I have a very expensive computer that does everything for me, the dive table is my backup.
Dont forget that computers fail and accidents can happen which can change your dive plan. It is always good to carry a copy of the dive table in your BC pocket for those emergencies that you never planned for. If your lucky this will never happen to you but if it does you will be glad you had it with you to calculate if a emergency decompression stop is required.

PS: I have a very expensive computer that does everything for me, the dive table is my backup.

If your computer fails, you end your dive. You don't try to formulate dive plans under water when time is ticking and nitrogen is loading. From what point are you going to "start your dive"? There is no reason a recreational diver should ever put themselves in a position of an emergency decompression stop when a dive computer fails. If your computer fails, you could get "an idea" of your total time underwater from your dive buddy's computer. Obviously you don't calculate nitrogen loading from his. This would help you deteremine if you need a longer 15ft. safety stop or not, which I would do anyway in the case of a computer malfunction.

Ya, I'm a newb, but I think I got some decent instruction.
Scuby Dooby:
Isn't anyone going to chime in with the **** and ***** about PADI's proprietary rights on this one . . . oops, guess i just did :wink:.

Actually, I've been round and round with their attorneys several times on this whole thing. They got a little pissed off when I brought out the Computerized Table Tutor.. Turns out, the tables are based on scientific information... and you cannot copyright scientific information. Can't get a copyright on 2+2 = 4 or E=MC2... So they can't get a copyright on a algorithm for decompression tissue loading either. Only the "unique presentation of scientific information". So I asked their attorneys, what is so unique about an X, Y graph... hasn't the Navy been doing that for a while?? And every other agency?? So you can't copyright the numbers, can't copyright a graph, can't copyright color... Hmmm that just leaves that A-Z series at the top... And I'm pretty sure Padi doesn't own the alphabet...

So really the only thing that you can copyright on their tables is the explanations of how to use them.

Of course now, I'm not an attorney... but I've paid a lot of them, and I did stay in a Holiday Inn express last night... :wink:

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