LAR V on Ebay

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MK133MOD2 once bubbled...
For years they have been sold through the DRMO. Many people have the LAR V's, many have X military ones. Does not mean it is stolen! Big brother? they looking for rebreathers? ok?!

and you mean the black 1.9 liter tank right?

PS there is a guy in California that has a LAR V course, and guess what, the rigs have old military #'s on them. Big brother should go take the class:D

lmao...I am very in tune on how DRMO and the gov works. I can tell you that because of liability, that unless there is fraud involved, that no diving system that is "operational" leaves for DRMO. You can find them around( LARV) but the US military version sends red flags everywhere. it. If you don't have a clue on how to use it...leave it be. The LAR5 although simple is deadly without proper training. Good luck finding the sodasorb designed for it. It requires a specific type it be 100% effecient. Very restricted item.
lmao...I am very in tune on how DRMO and the gov works. I can tell you that because of liability, that unless there is fraud involved, that no diving system that is "operational" leaves for DRMO. You can find them around( LARV) but the US military version sends red flags everywhere. it. If you don't have a clue on how to use it...leave it be. The LAR5 although simple is deadly without proper training. Good luck finding the sodasorb designed for it. It requires a specific type it be 100% effecient. Very restricted item.

That is true, but has it always been that way? The Lar's have been around for quite awhile. Also many men leave the military with their gear and "blessings" to keep it. Not entirely legal, but not theft either. There are also certain non military organizations that aquire the units. Many of these eventually make it to the market.
I have used and own one just like many other civilians, like Dave Sutton who a lot of people know. Ever seen his website?

They were never restricted and never will be!

BTW, their is no"special" sodasorb for it.
MK133MOD2 once bubbled...
They were never restricted and never will be!
The closest thing to a restriction I can think of is self-imposed by Dräger, they usually don't sell them to civilian end users, and don't support them with parts.

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