Lanier Dive - 3/21/05?

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Woodstock, GA
Anybody feel like going out to the lake on Monday 3/21/05? It looks like it's probably going to be raining, which means I get the day off. Wouldn't mind going out and doing some diving rain or shine. Looks like it's supposed to be 64 degrees. If you have the day off or get off at a semi decent hr from work and would like to dive Monday please let me know.

Hey, Jackass, some of us have to work for a living . . . :bash:
The Kraken:
Hey, Jackass, some of us have to work for a living . . . :bash:
Work, what's that? Actually I've been working all weekend. Since You know my profession I work outside. If it is pouring rain I can do nothing but go diving in the rain (sheesh tough life). Just looking for someone that feels like going out. When am I going to take that solo diving course again? :p

You know I wish I could join ya . . .
Would have loved to have gone diving this weekend, but, alas, it seems that my spouse had other intentions for me.
Spent all day yesterday restoring my computer and reinstalling application software, etc.
Today I've got to fix the dryer.
Life's never ending little joys . . .
Kyle and I decided to head out to Lanier today. I got off work rather early and was able to get a nice dive in. The water was 46-48F. Viz was in the 25' range. It was a nice day for diving as it was 65 degrees outside. We pulled a 38 minute dive which isn't too bad in that temp. Lots of kids and people were out there today and all of them were really interested in us diving. A little kid asked me when I came out of the water.. "What were you looking for?" I stated.. "Absolutely nothing."

So nobody wants to come out tommarrow and dive with me in the rain in 48 degree water? :p

I LOVE the answer . . . not a better one could be had!!!
Gota work Monday, can go tuesday. Leo.

I'll play it by ear Leo. I believe it is supposed to be thunderstorming tuesday.


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