Lake Travis up a tad

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Scuba Instructor
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Austin, Texas
# of dives
Before our little showers started down here, Lake Travis was in the 665 MSL range. This evening I noticed it is up to 678.2 and may still be rising. There is still some rain going on in the water shed.
I remember hearing before the rains started that the aquifer was getting really low. I guess thats been corrected for now. I'm sure the lake is up considerably and the vis is shot to bits.

Its been a strange summer so far.

the radio newsies on KRLD were stating that the waterflow coming out of Canyon Lake Dam was 28,000 gallons per second!!

That's a lotta water, Chester....

Wonder if Travis is back up to the top of Scuba Rock...or perhaps into the day parking area?
My wife and I went to Windy Point yesterday. The water was starting to come up onto the edge where the entrances to the stairs are. Visibility wasn't that bad at around 35 feet. It was really dark at around 65, but still very warm, so that was nice!

When we were leaving the guy at the front gate said it was rising about 2 inches every 20 minutes and that he'll be evacuating the area down at the end (because the little road to back there was getting covered).

What a sight, considering the last time I was there (3weeks ago), the levels were down 10 feet!
I talked to the people at Travis County Parks today (I was suppose to be camping at Mansfield Dam this weekend)...they said Mansfield was closed due to the rising water. They also said there is alot of debris and bacteria in the water.
get our "I dove I-10" merit badge and T-shirt

drift dive down the San Antonio river? Wreck dive the riverwalk restaraunts?

or even better....."Dive the Alamo" !!!
Up a bit! - How about 692.5 & rising!!

Will get my pictures of the above water situation out of the digital later and post..
The County Park, referred to in DaveNinja's post is now completely flooded. The top of the bathrooms were just showing above the water!

We were out with a small class that just HAD to finish for their trip this week, I'm a little concerned as there's another 8 behind them - - - and I don't know about that!

We did the exercises at the landing that is normally the top of the stairs BEFORE you enter the water - - That was at 26 feet. Vis about 7 feet. The thermocline was at 42 feet and below that was where all the black water was. You could NOT see your hand in from of your face, in fact the light only penetrated when you held it right to your mask!

The best dive was on the lawn! vis ~ 10 feet, checking out the fire rings and the tethered park benches. There was a bit of a touchy part though as you are cruising back as you need to work through all those Oak trees that are normally such nice shade - - Now they're overhead obstacles!
Originally posted by -=>Larry<=-
Up a bit! - How about 692.5 & rising!!

Will get my pictures of the above water situation out of the digital later and post..
The County Park, referred to in DaveNinja's post is now completely flooded. The top of the bathrooms were just showing above the water!

We were out with a small class that just HAD to finish for their trip this week, I'm a little concerned as there's another 8 behind them - - - and I don't know about that!

We did the exercises at the landing that is normally the top of the stairs BEFORE you enter the water - - That was at 26 feet. Vis about 7 feet. The thermocline was at 42 feet and below that was where all the black water was. You could NOT see your hand in from of your face, in fact the light only penetrated when you held it right to your mask!

The best dive was on the lawn! vis ~ 10 feet, checking out the fire rings and the tethered park benches. There was a bit of a touchy part though as you are cruising back as you need to work through all those Oak trees that are normally such nice shade - - Now they're overhead obstacles!

I'd love to see that! The highest I've seen it is waist deep standing at the top of the stairs! So where was the water line? Say....starting at the showers?

We had a couple at Twin Lakes tell us today they had been turned away at Windy Point. I took it fir granted they meant Barstow's but they may have meant Bob Wentz.

So Larry....did you get your Clothesline Specialty or Picnic Table Recovery?

I bet the Fire Ants were everywhere!!! :eek:
Originally posted by Dee
So where was the water line? Say....starting at the showers?

Close enough - Our site was about 20 feet from the showers towards the gate - and the water was only about 10 feet from us

Originally posted by Dee
So Larry....did you get your Clothesline Specialty or Picnic Table Recovery?

Oh Drat - Missed them - The clotheslines in particular - The picnic tables that could be recovered, were - or had gone AWOL!

Originally posted by Dee
I bet the Fire Ants were everywhere!!! :eek:

Happily No - - BUT - - there was a suspicious head following us in after the second dive - like maybe a snake. We picked the pace up a little and didn't bother to check if it might have been a turtle since I've never had one follow me!
I was out there this weekend too.....

By the time we finished the last open water dive this afternoon, the water was starting to look like chocolate milk and didn't smell very good either.

The water is supposedly on the way down at Travis(at 6" a day), but I understand it's flooding in Abilene, so we'll get that water in 2-3 days.

And Larry must have missed all the fire ants cause they were over at our site enjoying a snack on me.

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