L Street - Night Dive 8/11/14

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Basking Ridge Diver

Reaction score
New Jersey
# of dives
200 - 499
Met a few folks from ScubaBoard at L Street for a great night dive - Ryan, Jeff and Ben.
High Tide was a 8:56pm - we entered the water at 9:01pm for 79 min dive - avg depth was 13 feet, 72 degrees was the minimum but the visibility was great about 6 to 7 feet. Saw a 3 foot eel, several sea horses about 4 or 5 inches long, horseshoe crabs, rock crabs, blue crabs, razor clams, a dogfish carcass being eaten by crabs, sea robins no more than 5 or 6 inches long, small flounder / fluke, hermit crabs, scungilli and quite a few bioluminescence floating through the water.
Great night dive with the wind blowing east, full moon, barely a ripple on the surface and good visibility. All the makings for a great night dive and hope to get together again for a repeat. :D
Sorry I missed that dive. I was in Brielle, drove up from Delaware, that Sunday morning. Couldn't get on the boat as I wasn't cleared for diving due to a ruptured eardrum. My plan was to just hang on the downline and slowly test the ear. Long dockside discussion, went with the captain's wishes. Drove back home. What a waste...

L-Street at night is one of the most under-appreciated shore dives around. I'm glad to see your report and please post next time you want to do a "meet up".
I knew Mike and I should have said hello. We didn't know it was a "meet up". We were suiting up next to you behind the Honda Pilot. It was a great night for a dive.
Awesome time that night. I was glad to get out and finally do a night dive. BRD showed me the ropes, and I had a blast with all the sea life that we saw. 79 minutes under water seems like forever on paper, but it sure did go fast!
Hey guys when are you doing this again. i would love to dive it. I dove the railroad bridge the last time.
I was thinking of heading back in the next couple of weeks. I have to check the tides for my days off. I'll post something soon

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What direction wind is bad when diving this area?

---------- Post added September 11th, 2014 at 10:02 AM ----------


What areas are you allowed to dive in? Highlight the diagram for entries , exits, dive area and parking?
Best I can do - Remember there is a Boat Channel there and fishermen - so I stay away from the Boat Ramp and the fishing lines - you will see the fisherpersons (PC?) on the cement rails by the upper parking and Marina on the upper right. I am not an artist but that gives you the information. Night dives are very good - very little current and very little boat traffic. I generally stay by the pylons and head to the left side towards what looks like Tennis courts. You can cross the channel - I have done it but only at night - so be careful and bring a flag.
East Wind and just after a rain storm are not the best - I found a Westerly wind and a few calm days in a row gave me the best Viz.

** bring a compass - I find it easier to navigate that way.

Shark River L Street Diagram.jpg
sweet there are some new diver stair case they dont want us using the boat ramp any more.
Where are the diver stairs? Do you mean the step at the corner of the "beach?"

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