Kudos to Justleesa

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500 - 999
From time to time some of our comrades need assistance. Justleesa recently saw a need in our dive community and decided to lend her time, in an effort to offer some assistance. With the help of SB'ers, she did fantastic. She helped us make a difference in someone's life. I just wanted to give her a special kudos for taking the time to make this happen. :yelclap:


Additionally, I wanted to thank her for doing a wonderful job as a mod. More often then not, I have difficulty in getting assistance, Leesa is almost always there when I call on her. Thanks Leesa, it is appreciated. :wave-smil
YEAH!!! an official thanks thread :D :10:

Thanks for going the extra bit for divers who are down on their luck!!!

So when can I come to Hawaii and stay?? :D
Way to go, Lisa. You are truly a good person.
I wouldn't call her a good person but she did do something nice


Love ya hun!! :10:
I wouldn't call her a good person but she did do something nice


Love ya hun!! :10:

I'll will take him on for you Leesa :) John, :kicknut:
OWIE!!! Mrs. A did that to me yesterday as well. . . maybe it is something I am doing . . . NAH. . .
:blush:...Thank you all... :grouphug2:

What can I say? I got the ball rolling, but with out all of you wonderful, caring people, that helped without a second thought, it would have just been another thread falling off the page. Together we achieved something really, really great! Thank you especially for that!! You can be very proud of yourselves :10:

Thanks for taking care of John, Miss :).....

John I know how ya meant it....:hugs:

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