Kudos to Bowserzzz Canine Resort

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US. NH. Live free or die.
in Lebanon, ME where each dog is provided with a separate room with raised bed, TV and plenty of play time with the staff.

My wife and I left The Ghillie with them for about 1 week while we visited family. Although he has stayed with them in the past it was only for a day or two so this was quite a separation. We asked that he be groomed and his nails trimmed but nae haircut.

When we picked him up and read his "report card" we were very pleased. Staff comments described him, in writing, as "the best dog ever" and a "wiggle worm". Apparently he spent most of his time rolling over for a belly rub or pushing between knees for hugs and kisses.

For a dog as intense and work-a-holic as The Ghillie it was a real pleasure to know he was well cared for and that the staff liked having him there to stay.

...Staff comments described him, in writing, as "the best dog ever" and a "wiggle worm". Apparently he spent most of his time rolling over for a belly rub or pushing between knees for hugs and kisses....
Sounds like prison to me :D

Sorry, couldn't help myself. It is nice to hear of great pet places.

My mother's dog (Winston) was very protective of her. He grew up with my sister's one dog, but when my sister got another dog Winston would attack it every time. My mother got Winston trained and he was great around people (after the training), but hated other animals.

She took him to PetSmart's hotel of all places when she had to go out of town for a week. She let them know about his disdain for other animals. They said no problem.

When she came back, he was in the "general room" with a bunch of other dogs. One was jumping on him and having a grand time with him. My mother didn't believe it. Ever since, he's been great around other pets (including my sister's dog). I have no idea what they did, but it was a welcomed family relief as my sister's dogs could finally come to my mother's house while we were there an I wouldn't have to hear the fights between everyone.


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