Oh no! That just sucks! Poor guy, he's had nothing but problems with that thing! Tell Nap that I send my condolences. Hopefully he won't give up on diving for good (it's bad enough that he's not diving with you for the rest of the week!). Remind him that there are still plenty of bugs for us to attempt to catch (although with my skill, it's more like a tickle and release program), and I'm counting on him to help me get them!Diver_Jan:Hi everyone,
Yes, I am diving with one of my long time buddies Nap who I met when we took our Advanced class together (See Stacy....He was MY buddy, before he was YOURS!!! LOL))) Unfortunately John is not here with me.( And I did invite you to go Stacy...your choice! You snooze, you loose as I used to say as a kid. LOL
On a sad note, Nap did take his Canon Digital Monster Camera diving. Everything was fine up until our second dive when it somehow got flooded in the camera tank!!! Fortunately, he has insurance for it, but it basically has ruined his disire to continue diving. So...I am buddiless for the next four morning dives. Thankfully I'm a 'socialable' kind of gal, and I will do just fine.
Believe me, reading your reports I'm kicking myself for not going - especially now that Nap's bailing on you. But, given that I need to work to make $ to support my diving habit, and seeing as how I have no vacation time left so going away would mean no job to come back to, I felt it was prudent to stay here instead. Hopefully next year?

Oh, and Jen - duh! Reading that over again, it's obvious what you were asking, I was just having a blonde day :06: (and focusing on the fact that my friends were havig fun that I could have been having too!). Don't mind me... :ignore: