Took forever but here it is - all WA shots are w 28-60mm + MWL-1I'd be interested to see WA shots taken with a MWL-1.
Bali: Bali (Aug 2022)
Komodo: Komodo (Aug/Sep 2022)
I also tried it with the 90mm macro but it wasn't so fun. Everything has a strange stretched out/zoomed in look. I gave up on it with the 90. Like this:
With the 28-60 I also used the MWL double flip w a macro diopter and I think it was pretty decent! Like going from this at Shotgun:
To this:
I would be interested in your take on MWL-1 vs WWL-1 for the WA ones! My roommate on the Philippines Siren was shooting with a Kraken 09S and I found myself wishing I had one when they told us it was a macro dive but there were so many nice WA opportunities, and vice versa. Coincidentally there was a used MWL-1 for sale on wetpixel and I figured let's give it a try.
I took the WWL-1 again on this last trip to Sipadan to compare and personally found myself missing the wider field of view and flexibility of the MWL-1, despite being able to shoot at much lower ISO and wider aperture. I did have a harder time w backscatter and lighting w the MWL-1 tho.