The Hooker is north of the salt pier by a couple of miles. It's one of my favorite dive as is Alice in Wonderland which is just south of the Hooker. As you go over the reef dropoff look way ahead of you at the bottom. You will see garden eels in the sand at at around 95 ft. I missed them for years because I was looking for them after I had reached the bottom, long past the time they had seen me and backed into their holes. A lot of times the dive ops will do the hooker as a double duty dive, counting it as some combo of boat/deep/wreck. It is also easy to do from shore, just watch your NDL. And while your at the hooker, there is a hole in the sand under the bow (easy to swim into) where you can just BARELY make a 100ft dive if you catch the tide right and press your gauges in the sand. Great place to do your first 100ft dive.