Kirby-Morgan Inspiration pics

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Delray Beach, Fl
Here are some m48 pics on the inspiration. While the unit is still not available to public as of today it will be very soon. The rec version will be blue, the commercial will be black. Oceanic is going to distribute the rec version(Blue) but will not offer the breather pod. So black commercial is the way to go. .

HOW DOES THIS UNIT WORK? Well for me it has been unbelievable. Very dry and very comfortable. Bail out to O/C is a dream and the reg breaths very easy even without the mouthpeice in. Overall I have really found nothing I dislike except for the hose attachment on the reg. I wish the hose ran in from my left instead of the right as I often hook my stage to the second stage on the mask but other than that it is a dream.

This a prototype but the real deal will be available shortly.
Hello -

I am not familiar with the Inspiration series. Are those largish straps part of the rebreather itself or part of the bouyancy compensator?

I imagine that the largish 2nd stage looking thing is reg. Is the mask integrated?

Thanks for answering my questions.

Peter Doege
The large "straps " you are seeing are actually the counterlungs. The counter lungs contain the volume of air that you breath on a rebreather "loop volume". The black part of the mask you see is called the "pod" it contains the "t" peice that the rebreather hoses connect to as well as a second stage regulator. On the very front of the pod you see a black lever. You can rotate the lever to go from the rebreather to open circuit. The pod is removable from the actual face mask for bail outs or deco gas.

Ther is also a gas "block" that you can purchase so that bottom and deco mixes can be used via the same "pod" in Open circuit.
That sounds like a nicely engineered and thought out package.

I take it that this is their (Buddy ?) 2nd generation design?

the Kirby-Morgen M48 mask is a fairly new design that is well thought out. K-M dealers already sell it, as mentioned with black silicone and frame, with an open-circuit pod. It is available either with the pod only or with a K-M 2nd stage atached to the pod.
For more info and downloadable PDF-manual visit
The removable pod design allows you to switch to bailout or deco without removing the mask. The OC-integrated RB does that, too, but also alows you to simply and quickly switch to your bailout mix without removing the mouthpieces. In addition, the FFM allows you to use OTS UW communication gear (OTS is also am K-M dealer ).

The rebreather pod is designed to take adapters for different RB manufacturers, and is planned to be available for all commercially available rebreathers, both SCR and CCR. At DEMA 2002 there were several units on the floor, attached to Inspirations, Azimuths and Prisms.
Pics for Azi SCR at (sroll for link)
for Prism CCR at

Since 1997 there have been several changes to the Inspiration, most of them minor enhancements. For info on the Inspiration visit:
madmole once bubbled...
Its huge!!!!

You sound like a girl, mole, you're allright? :wink:

Nice as the Delrin God's OC/DSV is, the Scubapro doesn't remotely fit my face.
By the way, have you seen the Dräger Panorama Nova Dive yet? FFM with three plugs for DSV, DV and comm, all with p-connector like ports. (Maybe the p-connector fits, then your VR3 really knows what your breathing :wink: )
Supposed to be designed for OC and RB, so if fits, we put a p-connector on the Delrin God's OC/DSV .... :D
Must take a look, hadn't seen that one yet. You cant put a O2 cell in the mask, they HAVE to be after the scrubber and before the mushroom valve to the mouthpiece as the CO2/CO in a single breath can damage the, (thats why you mustn't blow on them)

I started in AGA's in 82 teaching Police divers. They swapped to the Scubapro in about 87 as we virtualy all found it more comfortable and more like a normal mask. The S also has a 3 port setup and sits much closer to my face than the AGA. You just block the small chin exhaust valve to use it for CC or else it acts as a constant volume valve

I found the Reef was too buoyant!. Would love to try the EXO and Supermask.

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