Congratulations on your Rec Pass! And isn't Bob the wizard of trim? When he pronounced it impossible to trim me out in the 72s I was diving, I knew I had tried everything
Nobody ever gets perfect, not even Bob. And it's really important not to lose sight of the fact that the purpose of the skills is to make diving easier, safer, and more fun . . . not to be perfect. If I hadn't known this before, I would have gotten an object lesson when I dove with Jarrod this summer. There was no "perfect" there --
there was the comfort and relaxation of knowing you have the skills for the dive at hand, so that diving itself is relegated to unconscious processing,
and the dive can be spent pursuing whatever the goals are, whether they are exploration, documentation, sightseeing, or shenaniganry. Add to that the knowledge that your buddy or buddies have the same level of skill AND a commitment to diving as a team, and you have a recipe for some of the most fun diving that can be had. Even skills practice can be lighthearted and fun (says Lynne, remembering surfacing as a living underwater macrame project after a failed ascent while managing a bag).
Anyway, off my soapbox . . . congratulations. Now go have fun.