If you just completed your OW, you ought to get some more dive experience before you try to dive the Spiegel Grove.
Last week, I dove it three times (I have AOW & Nitrox cards and over 100 ocean dives and quite a few over 100 ft).
Surface current varied from negligible (dive 1) to noticable (you are a pretty stiff pennant on the mooring line during your safety stop) to RIPPING (dive 3).
Seas varied from 1-2 feet (dives 1 and 2) to 6-8 feet (dive 3).
The ship captain told me that it can shift from one state (calm) to the other (wild) during the course of a dive.
Have you tried to climb on a boat with a full load of Scuba gear on when the ladder is plunging up and down 6 to 8 feet? 4 to 6? 2 to 4? 1 to 2?
All of this is between 30 feet and the surface, BTW.
Next, there is a big !@#$ing difference between, for example, an Out-Of-Air emergency at 30 feet with a buddy in a quarry and an OOA emergency at 125 feet... A dive down the side of the Grove (ain't much on the exposed port hull at ~~52 FSW) means a dive down well past OW recommended limits, especially if you don't have the experience.
Key Largo has very little between real advanced rec dives (like the Grove) and good, beginner coral, BTW. The Benwood was a nice dive one of the two times I dove it (vis stank the second time -- vis can vary with current...)
Go by the book. Build the experience. Don't hot dog. Otherwise, you can either spoil diving for yourself or ... feed a lot of fish.