Kauai Trip Report Nov 19 - Dec 3/10

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Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
# of dives
200 - 499
This will be short and sweet. Stayed for two weeks at the Nihi Kai in Poipu which was good. Furniture a little out dated and uncomfortable but didn't spend to much time indoors except to cook and sleep. Did a total of 9 dives first dive was a three tanker at Ni'ihau which was awesome. First dive was with a few monk seals very cool and the vis was fantastic.Second dive was through some lava chutes I am not sure what it was called nothing out of the ordinary except the visibility was great. Third dive was on a fantastic wall didnt see anything out of the ordinary some crabs, eels and lots of fish. The visibility was extraordinary. Just started back and spotted some manta's on the surface and managed to get in the water with them as well as lots of spinner dolphins. Very nice.A couple of days later did a two tanker to the Napali coast. The trip was fantastic the dives were fantastic again great vis. Topography was fantastic. Lots of fish, eagle rays, white tips, greys and turtles. Last four dives were local two tankers which again were very good. All dives were with Bubbles Below Dive shop. Cant say enough about them they were all great. Thanks to Shaka Doug for giving me the tip on who to dive with. Travelled around the island saw lots of beautiful things like Waimea Canyon, Princeville and the north coast. There are some wonderful beaches on Kauai some with nobody on them. Hopefully be back next year.
. Did a total of 9 dives first dive was a three tanker at Ni'ihau which was awesome. .

bc am I reading this right that you were able to dive Ni'ihau in November/December? Do they go there year round?
That is correct we went to Ni'ihau on Saturday November 20 and to the Napali coast the following week I just can't remember the exact day. I had been conversing with Linda at Bubbles below a few weeks prior to getting to Kauai and asked her what the chances were of doing these two dives. She said we could go if the conditions were right and if there were other people that were interested. So it worked out that we arrived at 11:00 pm Friday night and did the Ni'ihau trip the next day. Just for the heck of it I asked a few other dive shops about the two trips the reply was that we do not do them at this time of year. There loss my gain.
Same thing when I was there in Nov Dec of 2009. Bubbles Below was looking for the weather to cooperate while everyone else said no way they would go. Bubbles Below came through and told them they were set to go but not until it the day before I was supposed to fly out and so I had to take a pass just to be safe. Broke my heart it did!!
Nobody goes like Bubbles goes! Can't argue the simple truth. Linda is Mrs. Adventure. As a good friend and a dm who works for another company on the island - if you want to hit Niihau off season or do adventurous dives on the Napali coast year round she is the one. Niihau is plain awesome and considered to be darn near The best Hawaii gas to offer!
I loved Niihau! Plus Kauai is my favorite island. Thanks for your report.

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