Kauai in December?

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Yes it would be great to dive Tunnels, but like you mentioned the conditions are not good in Dec.
Just got home from Kauai. Did 3 days of diving with Aquatic adventures, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Dive Koloa landing for sure, it was a great critter dive, Shawn was my DM and he was fantastic for finding the small critters most would just swim by. Sadly though by December it will take a massive stroke of luck to dive Tunnels, too bad, that was an AMAZING dive, probably the best shore dive I have ever done. I also dove with Fathom 5 for a 3 tank boat dive, they did a good job too. Personally I'd avoid Seasport, they run what looked to me to be your basic cattle boat.

I used SeaSports divers on three occasions over two separate trip to Kauai and I never sensed it was a cattle boat type of operation. We used them to dive Niihau and had an amazing trip. The crew was great and we all had a great time. The boat was never full or even crowded, for us it was well run and they were serious about the divers safety. Kauai Aquatic Scuba is also a good operation with a smaller boat but a couple of real good DMs.

I agree that Aquatic Adventures is a first class operation, well run and great DMs. Kauai Aquatic is also a good operation but has a smaller boat.
Aloha again, Dan.

Of course, we would love to take you out for some great shore diving while you are here but if you are interested in boat diving, I've personally dove with Fathom Five and with Bubbles Below and feel good recommending them. Both companies use smaller boats and have smaller group sizes. The plus side to Fathom is that they launch right out of Poipu whereas if you dive with Bubbles, you'll have to drive an extra 25 min. or so from Poipu to Port Allen, which is where they launch. I've never dove w/Seasports so don't have an opinion on them...

I dove the south shore this morning and got to enjoy two dragon morays intertwined with each other, several blue dragon nudibranchs, a baby turtle napping, leaf scorpion fish, snowflake and whitemouth morays, a huge Hawaiian lionfish and lots of cleaning stations and cleaner shrimp! That was one dive :OP

The north shore (Tunnels) will definitely be out in Dec. due to the large swells that have rolled in and will continue to roll in until spring. I don't even recommend snorkeling there right now due to the strong currents and rough conditions. So plan on spending pretty much all of your water time down on the south side of the island, but don't worry, there is plenty of great diving and snorkeling here on the south.

Plus, if you're lucky, maybe the humpback whales will have arrived in time do do some singing for you in Dec.! Good luck and happy diving to you!
Koloa Landing in December will be a great place to hear the whales while diving! I dive with Aquatic Adventures Scuba all the time.
I'm currently working on my Dive Master cert with them. You couldn't ask for a better group of scuba lovers. All the instructors and dive masters are great. Any one of them will help you have a great dive.
Have you every seen a Dragon eel or Black Leaf Scorpion fish or Purple Leaf scorpion fish? Then make sure you do a least one guided tour. These guys always find the coolest things.

Happy diving!
Thanks DMJulie, I plan on diving with them, Aquatic Adventures, during the week we are on Kauai. Hopefully AAScubaGirl will turn me around and show me the Dragon eels and other cool critters. Hey, maybe you can tag along too as a DM in training. I dived the Sheraton Caverns a couple of years ago, but am looking forward to the shore diving. I dive the SoCa beaches and Channel Islands all the time and will be glad to shed my 7mm wet suit for a couple of weeks.
While you might not need 7mil don't think that the water will be tropical enough for swimsuit only. check the water temps before you go.

Loved Koloa Landing (with Aquatic Adventures). The day before our dive we went to Koloa to make sure we could find it for our early AM dive. A couple had just finished their shore dive; advised us that it was a very safe & easy site...don't bother with hiring a divemaster. Yeah, we would have been perfectly safe going solo. But we would never have found all the dragon eels (so many I stopped taking pictures to conserve battery life), purple leaf scorpionfish, & lionfish. During our surface interval Mike & Leah were comparing notes--red lionfish over there, today the green one is hiding out under his usual coral. How's that for a tour guide? Also had 2 terrific boat dives with Fathom Five; Zoe was a great divemaster as well.

I'm gonna *try* to attach a dragon eel picture here, maybe it will work.


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I just dove for two weeks with Seasport Divers. They were excellent. I highly recommend them. Boat is 48 feet and very comfortable. Captains and Divemasters first class. Koloa landing was interesting.

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