So, how did you do it.
Due to a lightning strike very close to my house, I have been concentrating on replacing various electronics. So far, I know that the cable modem could talk to the cable provider, but not to my router or two computers (btw, I find it very frustrating that newer laptops don't come with data ports). A new modem will talk with the cable provider and computer, but the wifi router doesn't want to listen to it. New router en route. Looking to replace our TV. Of course it couldn't be the older TV I want to replace.
This weekend, I am going to borrow a friend's truck and take the edging and a 20 year old area rug to the dump. Then, I'm going to pick up about 20 bales of pine straw. For those of you not in the southeast, we use that isn't of wood chips for landscaping cover.