Just got my first Drysuit from my Uncle

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25 - 49
I did email you the letter below but think I might screw up sending it because I never got a reply , Anyway here it is


I am newly qualified drysuit diver. I try to dive as often as possible. I cant afford boat dive so I shore dive in dark cold lake, but at least I am underwater with the fish and my bubbles.

Didn't took long for me to realize that for the diving I am doing a drysuit is a must. I knew could not afford to get one, but could rent one once in a while. I somehow got lucky, talking of my passion to family members got me something I could only dream of. My uncle got me a Drysuit from a old friend who doesn't dive anymore. He said his friend was about my size 5'.9" 165lbs when he was diving. Best part of it , it's a Whites and seems to fit me :D (btw how do I make sure it's proper size ?)

I am no expert but think the wrist seal and neck might need to be replace. My rental suits always had latex seals and this suit look like neoprene which I am not familiar with.
I decided to give it a try in the shower. Put it on, inflated the suit and sprayed it with water and soap.
I got some bubbles around the wrist and neck specially when moving.
I noticed that there is some , what I think is, silicone around the dump valve. My girlfriend said she didn't saw any bubble on the back zipper so, I guess it fine.
I did not took the suit for a dive yet because I am afraid I might get flooded or have other problems. I can only afford used gear but I know it's important to have it services by professionals which I always do
I am wondering if you can do some repairs on a suit like mine. I can probably ship it to you. On yeah, how much would it cost ?

I would love to go diving with my own personal drysuit.Let know if you can help

I added some pictures of my suit







Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and sorry for my poor English I did my best.

Best regards

Montreal Quebec
email me here
Nice find! The seals are neoprene seals instead of latex like you said. With the neoprene seals you have to fold the seal inside so the smooth part will form a seal to your skin. If you did this and it still was leaking small bubbles at thoose spots I would suggest replacing them. When you replace them I believe you will have the option of latex or neoprene. I personally prefer latex seals, they do seem to seal better. Any dive shop in your area should be able to help you get this taken care of. Another way to check the suit for leaks is to roll up the wrist and neck seals and clamp them so they will hold air. Put some air in the suit then submerge the suit in the bathtub looking for leaks . The seals in the picture look ok it may be an issue of size or getting them to seal on you correctly.
Those are neoprene seals, and the great thing about them is that they're very durable. If you put them on as skooter has described, then you should get nothing more than a tiny leak during a dive, especially if you turn your head a lot.

Do you have any access to a pool or hot tub? If so, I'd recommend putting the suit on over a light garment that will show water easily, and going for a bit of swim (not scuba) in it. Get out and check your undergarment for wet spots. If there aren't any, then do a relatively shallow dive in the suit, and see how it does.

Are you going to get some mentoring or instruction on the use of the suit? There are a few things to know about managing a bubble that can go from your shoulders to your feet.
Hey Alex,
Glad to hear you are finally able to dive dry, Let me get in touch with you to find the best solution to getting your suit looked after.
Cheers Doug.
Not sure how old that suit is, but i can try to run the number and get a production date for you.

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