just back from Key Largo

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Florida (formally Minnesota)
Just back from three days and 12 dives at Key Largo.

Had a great time thanks to recommendations by Popeye here on the site. We dove with Silent World divers. (Silent World Dive Center is located at MileMarker 103.2 bayside, in Key Largo's Central Plaza. For reservations or further information, 800-966-DIVE (3483) or 305-451-3252; write us at P.O. Box 2363, Key Largo FL 33037. ) Primary boat Capt. John and primary DM was Lilly.

Water was 87 degrees. Nothing but bathing suit needed unless you wanted critter protection or sunprotection when onboard the boat.

Dove 4 dive a day for 3 days:

Minnow Cave, North North Dry Rocks, City of Washington (open 1898 wreck with several nurse charks in residence), Watkins Reef, Molasses Reef, HMS Benwood (open WW II wreck), Horseshoe Reef, French Reef, Carey's Reef North, Carey's Reef South, City of Wshington (a second time per our request because our camera when out the first dive), and Minnows Cave.
All dives were slow and easy averaging just 20 feet with mininal current with maximum depth of 38 feet at Carey's reef South and even then only briefly because we were off navigation).

Didn't get to the Speigel Grove as we could NOT scare up anyone interested in diving it (can you believe that!).

Hope to have photos Thursday. ANyone need additional info you can reply here of PM me.

Thanks again for the recommendations Popeye!

Boo Hoo no Speigel Grove but there were lots of new and newly returning divers, so actually it was good that people knew their limits and din't try the SG when first diving or first back.

We did see the usual new and returning diver "stuff" and gosh did I think "did I ever look that out of control in bouyancy" and I had to remind myself that YES probably. That's the nice thing about the Keys, I think, that it is shallow for new divers to get the hang of things without worrying about depth.

Did make some freindly suggestions to a one-week old diver and a returning diver. The returning diver sought the counsel and the one-week old was a friendly reminder not to bicycle kick; resulted in her first 60 minute dive and slowing down enough to see a moray eel on the dive, so she was very happy.

So dive, dive, dive the uncrowded Key Largo this time of year.
Yes, I was there this time last year. I was surprised how few people were down there. But the schools were already in session there. I guess quite a few schools are starting in early August, so the vacation crowds are sparse. It was a good time to dive.
My husband dove a few Key Largo reefs through Scuba-do while I snorkeled (I was pregnant at the time, so no diving for me). I was very excited to find that I could see about as much as he did while I spent most of my time at the surface. I think the coolest thing I saw was a nurse shark and a grouper about the same size seemingly feeding side-by-side almost directly under the dive boat. It was pretty neat to watch, and I was the only witness to it since the divers were off a ways. I think this was at Molasses Reef.

I really want to go back soon to reintroduce myself to diving outside of a pool since it's been a while for me. Hopefully before season starts up!!
I will plan to post some more information on each site in the next couple of days. I have no doubt that you were able to see much in Key Largo. We were actually amazed at how well the visibility was, as we had experienced daily torrential rain fall in the Cocoa area for the weeks proceeding our trip.

Hopefully I may have a picture or two to share (4 rolls out to process as we speak). --Starfish
Largo is gorgous for diving.. I would love to get a boat of my own out there in those waters and just go sites that are less hit by dive boats. I've been pondering the Gulf side of those islands as well... it seems all boats lead to the reefs on the south side, but what about to the north.....
CBulla once bubbled...
Largo is gorgous for diving.. I would love to get a boat of my own out there in those waters and just go sites that are less hit by dive boats. I've been pondering the Gulf side of those islands as well... it seems all boats lead to the reefs on the south side, but what about to the north.....
The north side of Key Largo is baybottom. A series of sounds, surrounded by mangroves and connected by tidal creeks, makes for excellent paddling, sightseeing, and snorkeling. Unless you find yourself in a manmade canal or an old bomb hole, the max depth is somewhere in the neighborhood of eight to ten feet.

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