JUP Rpt Jun 29 - conditions

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2500 - 4999
Just quick conditions report. Dove one of my long ago old Jupiter spots that I had lost. Just like going back to your old grade school, you say "I remember this corner/spot/tree. 1/4 knot trickle north current. I talked on the radio with Dean (PV) and Bill(Walkers) down by Breakers and they said they had a South current. I had 80° on the bottom 70 ft of viz in shallow. Hazy layer from 20 ft to 30 ft. Rain offshore but glass flat the rest of the morning. Seen some muttons in the distance but no groupers nor hogs. 7 LF's today so I hit the free mini-season-bonus-lobster tier in the FWC LF tourney. Thanks again to @Steve Roquemore & BJ for the invite today!! Dang that was a big shiny expensive anchor you found !!
Something's on the menu for diner!
Specifically,,,When it's 95 degrees and hot outside, Lionfish Ceviche is a chilled cool appetizer that is always a crowd pleaser at this holiday weekend parties. But also for Landside or on a dive boat interval. So easy to cut up and mix that you can do it in the marina parking lot with a gallon baggie and then pull it out of the boat cooler between dives with chips.......Now where's that dive knife thread asking why you need one>>to make ceviche ????

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