Hey I resent that..MaxBottomtime:Some wanted to walk to Crescent Bay with gear, others were smarter.![]()

Dive #1
Date: 6/11/05
Dive Location: Deadman's Reef - Wrinkles Dive
Time: 7:52AM
Bottom Time: 69 minutes
Max Depth: 49ft
Vis: 15-20'
Wave height: 1-3
Temp at depth: 59 on the bottom....
Gas mix: Air (21%)
I started the day off by parking at Heisler and walking over to Crescent to meet up with a few buddies to hit up dead mans..... It was looking very ugly out and was drizzling. I had a feeling that the day was going to look like this.... I decided due to the warm water lately to dive hood-less.. Upon hitting the bottom it was a bit chilly and gave me a headache for the first 5 minutes. After hitting the reef we were treated to several octos (none of which were out ready to say hi)... Half way through the dive we came across a FEMALE sheephead that I would guess was at LEAST 2 feet in length.... she looked a little vicious so we didnt mess with her.... Despite having some equipment issues it was a great way to start the wrinkles day....
Dive #2
Date: 6/11/05
Dive Location: Heisler Park, Laguna Beach - Wrinkles Dive
Time: 12:28am
Bottom Time: 49min
Max Depth:37
Vis: 3-7'
Wave height: 1-3
Temp at depth: 66
Gas mix: 38% Nitrox
Buddied up with CaptainMarvel, ScubaInspired, and TeqP as everyone else began lunch and headed out to the buoys despite hearing about bad visibility. We dropped down into that "lawnmower bag" and went ahead with the dive and ended up having a decent dive... Saw an eel by the Western buoy line that looked like he wanted a meal pretty badly.. Several octos also all over the place (this seemed to be a recurring theme throughout the whole day)... Lots of "grumpy" large sized bass (Barred Sand Bass) tried to get me into a staring contest.... ScubaInspired ran his tank a little low so we had to swim a ways (surge was strong).... Still a good dive none the less....
Dive #3
Date: 6/11/05
Dive Location: Shaws Cove, Laguna Beach - Wrinkles Dive
Time: 4:31PM
Bottom Time: 65
Max Depth: 37
Vis: 10-17'
Wave height: 1-2ft
Temp at depth: 66
Gas mix: Air (21%)
This is the dive that really saved the day for me. CaptainMarvel, Stoddu, and myself decided to give Shaws a shot since Heisler seemed like a lost cause.... We swam out and the the water looked extremely clear. We entered the reef and immediately turned into the "archway"... it took us quite a while to get to the archway due to a really strong surge.... After we got to it, I decided to turn into the swim through and was treated to a 20-30 foot "ride" up the chute... I looked back behind me and it was BLACK.... I tried to turn around and had to work at it... I exited the way I came in and we headed back out to the outer edge of the reef.. The reef was teeming with nudibranches (Hopkins Rose, Spanish Shawls, and a white which black spots unidentified) and octos everywhere... The vis was GREAT compared to Heisler.. Also ran into 2 eels who looked just as hungry as the one from Heisler (maybe they dine together?).... Despite working extremely hard in the archway, it was well worth the struggle.... After the turn around, I got head down to see how far behind me the others were and I lost a 4LB weight out of my weight belt... I bolted after it and struggled for a good 5 minutes to get it back in.... While on the sand on the way in we also were treated to 2 fairly large halibut (22" +). To those of you who didnt want to join you missed a GREAT dive....
Dive #4
Date: 6/11/05
Dive Location: Shaws Cove, Laguna Beach - Wrinkles Dive
Time: 8:58PM
Bottom Time: 51
Max Depth: 45
Vis: 10-20'
Wave height: 1-2 on entry.... 2-4 on exit (large lulls)
Temp at depth: 57
Gas mix: 40% Nitrox
Well this was a great dive to end an overall great day.. Headhunter, Stoddu, the two guys from texas, and myself waited til dark and dropped into the reef.. This was a relaxing dive and I definitely wanted to send the Texans back with a dive to definitely remember. Immediately after hitting the reef we spotted 2 octos in holes... Rays littered the sand we well as Sand Bass.... There were quite a few "possessive" and protective Garibaldi that seemed to say "get away from my hole or ill bite your face off".... its funny because it almost looks like they had an angry grin on their faces.... throughout the dive I also spotted around 8 more octos, 3 or 4 of which were out in the open... Also spotted one eel who looked like we woke him up (cranky) and another one who decided to hide before I could show him to anyone.... Great way to end the day, and good to see everyone who turned out... It was a great day...