This is MY report from the weekend:
Sorry, it's kind of long, but interesting...I think. FISH ID NEEDED
Saturday, June 25th
Heisler Park
Several met up at the mall. Heisler Park was our destination. Half dove, half stayed Topside and enjoyed the Tide Pools. I believe Jennifer made the comment that 'WE' saw more in the tidepools than those that dove at depth.
Here is a list of marine life that we saw: First off, we rescued several Sea Hares that were exposed to air. We scooped them up and gently got them back in the water. Fortunately, all of them revived. We saw all sizes including babies. Due to low tide, quite a bit of reef was exposed for us to explore. Dennis and I noticed quite a few Lined Chiton's; The rest of the group had fun exploring Gooseneck Barnacles; lots of moss and eel grass that exposed a living enviroment of hermit crabs; sand crabs; brittle stars; purple and red sea urchins; ochre stars; red sea stars; JV Opal Eye and Scorpion fish; vast sea anemone varieties; cup coral; Red Turban Snails; Kellets Welk; California Cone snail; a Leafy Hornmouth; and elbow crabs.
We came upon a pool where we really NEED a JV FISH ID BOOK!!! There were small fish swimming around with thin vertical strips like a zebra. Maybe brownish and black? Hard to tell due to shadows. There were also other 'little' bottom dwellers in the pool as well. Thought I saw a JV Black Sculpin, but hard to tell, for only it's head was poking out from under a rock.
All in all, a great adventure!
Onto Day Two:
Sunday, June 26th
Seal Rock, North Cresent Bay
Surf: 1-2'
Surge: moderate to heavy
Viz: In Red Tide~ ZILCH; past 18 feet: 5'-10' at best
Depth: 44'
Temp: 52' Suunto
Buddy: Wayne
Eight of us met up to dive Seal Rock this morning. Steve S, Steve V, Jennifer Y, Mike, Chris, Tran, Wayne, and myself. Due to low viz, we decided to break up into 'Buddy' teams.
Not having dove Seal Rock before, I gave Wayne a brief orientation to the site. After our buddy checks, we dropped down into the lovely Red muck. Once our ears cleared and we adjusted our bouyancy, we headed to Seal Rock. Due to poor viz, lack of, we headed south a bit, then west...exploring the reef and pretty much keeping it to our right side. I used my flash light to spot out things for Wayne to see. We saw the usual suspects including a large '2 Spot' Octopus and Moray...along with lots of Red Rock Shrimp.
The highlight of our dive was when I spotted an odd colored Scorpion fish. He was ORANGE!!! Basically on the top and lateral sides of his body, then went to the usual brown on the pectoral fins and belly. I have looked in ALL of my fish ID books and can not come up with a name for this fellow. The closest I found was the Rainbow Scorpionfish. Darn, I really wish I had my camera.
All in all, a great dive!!! I even asked the gang if anyone wanted to do a second dive. Sadly, takers. Instead, we had breakfast and good conversation.
Thanks Wayne for a great dive, and a heart felt welcome to the group!
On another note, while diving last Thursday night, Steve S and I spotted what others had ID'd as a 'Brown Rockfish' However In looking through my books, it turns out that it was a Gopher Rockfish!!!