Date:July 3, 2005
Dive Location:Marineland, again
Time: 7:44 and 10:25
Bottom Time: 48 and 41 minutes
Max Depth:50 and 33'
Vis: 10'
Wave height: 0-1
Temp at depth: 50 and 54
Gas mix: Air (21%)
Comments: Susan Grant (coralcuts) joined me for her first dive to the platform and first post auto accident dive. We followed the line out to the artificial reef, passing a large Sheepcrab along the way, as well as several Lizardfish, Synodus lucioceps. A rather large halibut was nearby and even stayed for a couple other divers to see, but was gone later in the day. Surfperch and sandbass checked us out as much as we were checking them out. Below the thermocline at 27 feet the water was a brisk 50F. Vis was down from yesterday, but still good enough to see where we were going. We made it back up to the parking lot without causing any further damage to Susan's back. After she went home to get some much needed rest I plunged back in for a little shallow water nudibranch hunting. While exploring the reef I came across two octopus, one of which was out in the open. A large Batray cruised by, but too fast to get a picture.Will I ever get bored with Marineland?...No way!