Jukung Dive, Bali, Amed

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Me and my girlfriend took an introduction to scuba diving at Jukung Dive and we had a great time. The dive included one pool session in the Jukung dive pool and two open water dives at the USA Liberty shipwreck in Tulamben. The dive school is very wel organized and has (in our opinion) very skilled instructors. Our instructor was very good in making you feel comfortable during the dives and teaching the diving skills in a very professional though fun way.

The program at the dive school was very complete, including transport from and to your hotel. Transport to the dive site. There were even people arranged to carry your dive gear at location to the water front! After the dives a very good lunch at the dive school was organized were you can interact with the other divers diving that day.

All in all a very nice and clean!! Place.
welcome to this board.
thank you for your post.
few years ago i had a chance to dive in Indonesia.
i found the people in bali to be very polite and helpful.
more so than i have experienced in the caribbean area.

do not get me wrong.
no body was ever rude.
just not at the level of bali.
Bali is fantastic, the culture there is so welcoming. I dont think in my whole 6 months that i was there with Blue Season Bali in Sanur i ever felt threatened or in anyway uncomfprtable.

The island is predominantly Balinese Hinduism and so they believe alot in karma.
Bali is indeed wonderful :)

It is my favorite vacation destination for culture. I find the people sweet and genuine.
I can't believe more Americans don't go there......other than the latest influx of Eat Pray Love seekers.

Tulamben is awesome! I was there in October and LOVED it!

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