Just about anything you can do in lightroom you can do in Photoshop; you just have to know where to go. What version are you using?
Try working with "Adjustment Layers". They are an excellent way of making, non-destructive adjustments that can be edited later. “Curves” will adjust color and lighting to a degree. Hue/Saturation is another good one.
Another tool that is useful is the Shadow/Highlights filter. (Image – Adjustments – Shadow/Highlight) This tool is good for creating more contrast in your photos, but it takes some practice.
Try working with "Adjustment Layers". They are an excellent way of making, non-destructive adjustments that can be edited later. “Curves” will adjust color and lighting to a degree. Hue/Saturation is another good one.
Another tool that is useful is the Shadow/Highlights filter. (Image – Adjustments – Shadow/Highlight) This tool is good for creating more contrast in your photos, but it takes some practice.