Donnie, Just some general advice, it all comes down to calories, eat fewer than you burn and you'll lose weight, eat more, you'll gain. Its as simple as that. Remember, no food is a bad food. You can fit anything into your plan in moderation. In general eat a wide variety of the more natural foods, fruits, veggies, whole grain breads and cereals and 3-4 ounces of meat at lunch and dinner. Try to avoid the obvious fat sources such as excess margarine or oil, gravies, cream based sauces, croissants, biscuits and fried foods. Avoid those concentrated sweets too, especially regular soft drinks which can add major calories even in small amounts. Slowly increase your intake of fiber (whole grains, fresh fruits/veggies) which will make you feel full for a longer after a meal and will also bind some cholesterol in your stomach so its not absorbed by your body. Be sure to drink water, water, water as you increase your fiber intake. Choose low fat cooking methods: bake, broil or grill most often. There are many cookbooks out there dealing with low fat cooking or low fat recipes. See what you can find and ENJOY! Good luck in the battle. I just turned 35 back in march and was an avid weight lifter/bodybuilder in high school and college. I'm slowly returning to an acceptable form with the motivation from all those here. Thanks for joining us. Greg