As a father of two (daughter 18, son 14) I wish you, Jodi and baby Brenda the best and healthiest of introductions to this new, and at times difficult world.
As an elder I place my faith in the good deeds of our future leaders.
Then again, I have a boy who could use a good spear in the rump..., and I also keep a savings account just in case the kids forget about me later on. Just thinking out loud.
As a father of two (daughter 18, son 14) I wish you, Jodi and baby Brenda the best and healthiest of introductions to this new, and at times difficult world.
As an elder I place my faith in the good deeds of our future leaders.
Then again, I have a boy who could use a good spear in the rump..., and I also keep a savings account just in case the kids forget about me later on. Just thinking out loud.