I've been diving the JJ CCR for a 3 years now and in that time I pulled together a handful of 3d prints that have come in handy. Figured I'd share them here in case it helps anyone:
Loop Caps:
JJCCR Vented Loop Caps Remixed by SuZ3Dx
My favorite print. I actually made these solid (no vent) and use them to block the head loops. In the frequent occurrence where I have a few days between dives I'll disconnect the head and plug it, then rinse the exhale counterlung and dsv. Once I'm ready to dive, hook back up, positive/negative and go. Do this at your own risk and DO NOT place the rebreather on it's back in-between dives. Water droplets + O2 sensors can happen.
Wallmount for DSV:
Handy as it doesn't stretch the hoses like hanging it from one end will.
Lung Bung:
These things, combined with something to stop the air coming right out and hold the counterlung flat will dry your counter-lungs extremely fast.
Use this for the "block" LungBung - Vented and Unvented for JJ-CCR and AP inspiration Tee piece by Julie-jj
HUD Protector:
Note that this doesn't work with the (adapter) that they recommend now. I'm working on refactoring it to work with that added.
Hopefully this helps someone. I printed these on a bambu P1S and if anyone wants the tweaked files or 3mf files I'll be happy to provide them. I would have just posted them myself but I want to give credit to the original creators of these stl files.
Loop Caps:
JJCCR Vented Loop Caps Remixed by SuZ3Dx
My favorite print. I actually made these solid (no vent) and use them to block the head loops. In the frequent occurrence where I have a few days between dives I'll disconnect the head and plug it, then rinse the exhale counterlung and dsv. Once I'm ready to dive, hook back up, positive/negative and go. Do this at your own risk and DO NOT place the rebreather on it's back in-between dives. Water droplets + O2 sensors can happen.
Wallmount for DSV:

Lung Bung:
LungBung - With 40mm Fan for drying jj-ccr Counter-lungs (also fits AP inspo') by Julie-jj
Fits in the Tee piece, and provides a forced air flow through the counter-lung and loop hose (if fitted) to dry the lung after diving/cleaning.This also fits the AP inspiration range - as confirmed by my buddy!There are two .stl files - only one is required depending upon the direction of the...

Use this for the "block" LungBung - Vented and Unvented for JJ-CCR and AP inspiration Tee piece by Julie-jj
HUD Protector:

JJ-CCR Hud protector by acorchia
My Hud did broken while transporting the JJSo I design this little box to Store and protect the HUD and attach it to the JJ when transportingFor the fun I did design it in 1 piece no additional screw. it print without supportI print it with PoliMaker Polycarbonate (PC-Max) for maximum...

Hopefully this helps someone. I printed these on a bambu P1S and if anyone wants the tweaked files or 3mf files I'll be happy to provide them. I would have just posted them myself but I want to give credit to the original creators of these stl files.