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So Jim when are we going to dive?? :wink:

I think the last time I saw you is when I was only O/W certified :p. For all *I* know Jim Ernst is just someone the real "Jim" pays to make fun of Ron. :rofl3:

I would love too get down there and dive, But I am SO frigging busy right now it isn't going to happen until I get back from Texas, And even then I am back to school again along with my Job.... Oh that so should be a four letter word!!:shakehead:
I would love too get down there and dive, But I am SO frigging busy right now it isn't going to happen until I get back from Texas, And even then I am back to school again along with my Job.... Oh that so should be a four letter word!!:shakehead:

Good morning sunshine! WTH are you doing up so early in Jim's world?
So Jim when are we going to dive?? :wink:

I think the last time I saw you is when I was only O/W certified :p. For all *I* know Jim Ernst is just someone the real "Jim" pays to make fun of Ron. :rofl3:

Jim doesn't dive. He hangs out with divers to feel cool.
Jim doesn't dive. He hangs out with divers to feel cool.

Liar Liar Pants on fire:rofl3:

If all of you that seem to want me to go diving would trow in $50 a piece I could afford to go!!!

Do we have any contributers???

Besides all of that I am off to Texas next week, and then when I get back I am back in school again!!
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Hey Buck.

Come and find the missing snake in my house..!!!!

My sons snake got out of it's cage and the last time he saw it was four days ago!!:shakehead:

Get a mouse and follow it around the house. You'll find it! :wink: If you don't I have another snake for you(no, not the one in my pants pervert!):rofl3:
Get a mouse and follow it around the house. You'll find it! :wink: If you don't I have another snake for you(no, not the one in my pants pervert!):rofl3:

From what your wife told me......

That is no snake that you have in your pants, But a mere 1 inch worm:mooner:
From what your wife told me......

That is no snake that you have in your pants, But a mere 1 inch worm:mooner:

That wasn't my wife you were talking to, but your Mom, while you were looking at yourself in the mirror naked!

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