Location: Woods Cove, Laguna Beach
Date: 1/28/04
Vis: 10-15 ft
Water Temp: 57 deg
Max depth: 32 ft
Dive Time: 58 min
Surf: 1-2ft
Surge: 2-5ft
Dive Buddy: Frank
Looking at the conditions all day at Shaws Cove it looked like a no brainer for a lobster night at Woods Cove - were we in for a shock. After parking nice and close we suited up and headed down to the beach. As we were just about to get in the water, my buddy says "Oh crap, blown dive. I just broke my mask" He took it off and after turning on a light we found out it was fixable. After a quick repair we headed out through the surf. Our plan was in order and we decided to drop down and swim over to some rocks. Well I guess I need to go over the navigation section again

After cruising over the sand for a good 100 yards I hand signaled to surface so we could see how of course we were, to my surprise I think I had us swimming out to San Clemente Island.
After a surface swim back in we decided to drop down and head towards the shallow reefs. It started out with about a 1-2ft surge, but by the time we were at our destination it was an easy 4-5ft and the water was looking a little thick with all the sand in it. Trying to navigate in the kelp and eel grass while trying to keep your face of the rocks proved to be a little too much work. Every time I saw a lobster, I went for a grab and by the time my hand got down to the rock I missed by a couple feet.
After about 5 minutes of being in the washing machine, we decided to surface again. We headed out a little deeper and went back and forth parallel with the shore. This proved to be the best for the conditions. After missing a few shorties, I snagged a keeper (barely legal). Frank grabbed a few shorties, and missed the big one.
All in all, it wasn't a bad dive for the conditions.