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BabyDuck:......i held him for two hours yesterday. it was wonderful!
BabyDuck:day before yesterday he was extubated & did great breathing-wise. wasn't quite enough to keep his lungs open, though, and his blood gas wasn't good, and he got reintubated - but that's a step in the right direction, too! they'll try again in a little while, maybe a week.
the tummy incision is looking great! ok, it looks great to me & the staff...pretty much anyone else would run in horror. but it's all skinned over & not weeping anywhere & not crusty.
he's up to 5ml/hr of feeds, about a third of what he needs in total, so that's going pretty well. so is the pumping - i'm starting to make enough to feed a small nation! his sedation is coming down slowly & is at 3.5 mcg/kg/hr.
there's a crib toy that plays soft music & has fish & bubbles. when he's awake, he really seems to like it, just like should be happening at a week old.
he's getting there! continued thanks to everyone for the support. if i hadn't had you all to talk to, i'd have had a *much* rougher time.