BabyDuck:great day for my baby! i went in, and he was WEARING CLOTHES and WRAPPED ALL SNUGGY IN A BLANKIE! the overbed heater was on a little, to make his open crib like being in a warm room, but he was in charge of his own temperature, and doing great at it. they started feeding him again today, slowly, by a tiny tube in his mouth to his tummy. he lost a bit of weight from yesterday - now 4 1/4lbs - his eyes aren't puffy and his fingers don't look like teeny sausages. still on the vent, but they stopped his antibiotics and cut his sedation down a bit. and buddy, he was sleeping!
:balloon woo-hoo :balloon
:balloon woo-hoo :balloon
Wrapped up snuggly, like he should be... This picture is getting better and better. Very happy for you... Do we get a pic?