Dan Kom
It was so Strange today...Since the mexican work week is Six days out of seven. Sunday is sacred...So today everyone was at the beach, it was a beautiful day. Sun was shining. Since its sunday almost all the hardware stores were closed. Couldnt get a nail. Only about 10/15 percent of people here were preparing. Maybe cause the island has been spared mant times before. Well, Im sitting there in my chair by the pool thinking ah, it will pass. Then suddenly the skies got dark, and an outer band probably came through. A gust of wind of about 25kt-30kt along with some rain and boom!. I jumped out of my chair and said, Geez this is for real!...So out came the adrenaline and anything that wasnt bolted down. Including 54in big screen was in the rooms and locked down...Now at 11pm is just a constant rain and no wind...Just a wierd day....