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Reaction score
Central Florida
# of dives
50 - 99
New to SB and diving. Start PADI classes next week. :boings: Can't wait!!! (wish me luck!) Hope to get a bunch of helpful information here... This looks like the place to be! So much to learn- so little time... :baby:
New to SB and diving. Start PADI classes next week. :boings: Can't wait!!! (wish me luck!) Hope to get a bunch of helpful information here... This looks like the place to be! So much to learn- so little time... :baby:

Welcome aboard, and thanks for stopping by. This place is a plethora of knowledgable people with plenty of information! (Alliteration for the win..)

Make sure to stop by the forums for your particular area too. There are seperate boards if you go down to Regional Travel & Dive Clubs > North America - United States > Florida Conch Divers.

Or here's a direct link:

Read your books, pay attention in class, ask your instructor questions or us here, practice, practice, practice. Oh, and have fun!

PS: Don't EVER be embarassed to ask a question about diving, especially if it could compromise your safety. We've talked about everything on boats and here on the boards, chances are someone has encountered it before and knows how to deal with it.
PS: Don't EVER be embarassed to ask a question about diving, especially if it could compromise your safety. We've talked about everything on boats and here on the boards, chances are someone has encountered it before and knows how to deal with it.
That seems to be the consensus among the divers I've met so far. I'm really excited about this! Funny, six months ago I never would've dreamed I'd be doing this (it's a friend's idea- soon to be dive partners.) Six months from now- would be nice to be in Jamaica!!!!!! :crafty:
Welcome! There is so much knowledge on this sight: from information and tips on equipment, or gear for sale,, to suggestions on dive sights or trips, or possible new dive buddies, all you have to do is ask. No matter what question you may wish to ask, it's probably already been discussed on the sight, if you do a search. Otherwise simply post your own question.
So much to learn- so little time...
...this is something you can do for the rest of your life if you choose to. One of my buddies is 73 or so, and he just became an OW instructor. I think you have enough time!

Welcome to ScubaBoard. It's quite a place. Hope you enjoy it here, and learn a thing or two.

Have fun with your classes and dive safe,


And welcome to SB - the biggest, the best, the fastest growing, and :D the friendliest!
If you'll click above, you'll be taken to our long list of forums, a wealth of information and resources. At the bottom, be sure to notice the Local & Singles Dive Club forums.

PM me if I can help you learn your way around; that is - click my username to the upper left, then follow the prompts to send me a "Personal Message." :thumb:

:cowboy: don
Welcome to ScubaBoard :D

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