It's a Girl Dive club

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Girldiver... that is great!

I'm in the process of putting together a Ladies Dive Weekend for all of us lady divers in the Midwest, and any ladies that want to travel here for it. I've had a wonderful interest in it, and it's coming together nicely. Your club is invited to attend our event... it would be quite the "field trip"!

See my sig line link for the details... the dates are kept private amongst the ladies, so not to "encourage" male party crashers! PM me for the dates if anyone is interested.
Be sure to send me pics and a "summary" of the ladies weekend...and I'll get it posted on the "It's a Girl Dive" site.

Last night we started with a small showing of four...but it's a start. Great ideas were tossed around. Really glad that I don't have to rely solely on my others have such great ideas!!!

One of the really cool ideas was to have a Girl Gear Seminar where we can go through Gear Repair in a non-male atmosphere and ask any questions without fear of looking...uh...girly.

It was also really neat to hear women share what makes them "tick" underwater and to find how much we have in common. One gal has 9 mos of diving under her belt with 80+ dives...and has never dove with a female. Funny.

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