OK, I tried pretty much the same pics again this evening under compact fluorescent light. The light is a bit more yellowish than the usual compact fluorescent light.
D70 ISO200, F4.5, 1/30
C5050, ISO64, F2.6, 1/40
Again there is more digital noise with the Oly but Oly automatic correction got rid off the yellow hue of the lamp pretty well and brighten up the scene quite a bit more than what was actually there.
The D70 did not really correct anything and the yellow hue was closer to the lighting of the set but it does seem to be a bit darker. White balance on both camera were set to auto and imported to photoshp CS with no further correction on white balance.
D70 ISO200, F4.5, 1/30
C5050, ISO64, F2.6, 1/40
Again there is more digital noise with the Oly but Oly automatic correction got rid off the yellow hue of the lamp pretty well and brighten up the scene quite a bit more than what was actually there.
The D70 did not really correct anything and the yellow hue was closer to the lighting of the set but it does seem to be a bit darker. White balance on both camera were set to auto and imported to photoshp CS with no further correction on white balance.