Item: Chassahowitzka WMA SCUBA Diving

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dirty-finned dive goddess
ScubaBoard Supporter
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Hollywood, Florida
# of dives
1000 - 2499
I was just on the FWC website and saw the Chassahowitzka WMA SCUBA Diving Registration (CDIVE) license. Huh? Who, what? Never heard of this. Anybody got intel??
Yes, it's always been there and yes you're supposed to complete it before diving there. The good news is that it's an automated process. You create an account, fill out the permit info (e.g. date of diving), and you'll receive a #. Personally, I make it a habit of printing out the permit and leaving it on my dash as well as writing my permit # on the envelope I pay with at the iron ranger box. (You ARE paying, right?)
Educate me. I have no idea where this is, or anything else. What is the diving like? How deep? Typical Vis? Why dive there?
Jenny! How have you not been to Buford??? Girl. Go!!!!

In my book, it's the single most gorgeous cavern dive in Florida. Here's a magazine piece about it.

Buford browns out in the summer, but should clear again around October (and, it's too hot and muggy and full of bugs to be out there this time of year anyway). Go on a cool clear day in the fall when there's not a cloud in the sky; the beams of sunshine put on a spectacular lightshow. Crystal. Clear. And she's deeeep (165'+).

(Eagle's Nest is also in the Chaz, but it's an advanced cave dive).


You need a cart to get your gear from the parking lot to the stroke pit. It is about as far as Jug is from the parking lot.

You will lots of freedivers as they've taken over the site.

Supposedly there is a plan to replace it but the current ladder sucks balls, it is only about 2-3ft under the water. Some divers have taken it to put cinderblocks under the ladder so you have something to step up on, but freedivers like to use those to help get down, and drop them when they want to turn around not caring if it hits a diver.

As mentioned it browns out over the summer as the vis is inversely correlated to local rain. Lots of rain, no viz. No rain, lots of viz.
Awwhhhh got it.. it's cavern/cave site. I was thinking it was beach or gulf or river.
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