Interesting read, especially since I have just returned from a Holiday with family where I did some Scuba Diving on the side. My Diving history is a bit different, but I can say I felt the same way before...and most recently on this latest vacation. I started Diving in the Red Sea at a Resort - I earned by Scuba Diver Certification during my holiday at the resort and was very happy. The training was very good, diving was excellent and frankly it was just on whim that I decided to take the plunge. The following year, I decided to stay as Scuba Diver and just go on some casual diving in Thailand during our Holiday. Again just three dives. Overall I was impressed with the resort dive shop, instruction, and administration. I had 3 more dives for a total of 6 in my logbook. As you can see a very Recreational Diver in every sense of the word.
This year on Holiday in Mauritius I decided, before our trip, that I wanted to go and finish up my OW certification. Before the trip I purchased a Wetsuit, a Mask and a Dive Computer. I contacted the Dive Shop on the resort well before my visit to let them know my intentions and received good response. Overall, I was excited heading into this year's winter vacation. My experience was not as optimal as previous trips, mainly from the Administrative side of things. In the past I was used to a much more proactive approach by the dive shop on the resort - schedule dives, deeper discussion of plans, etc. This time, they ran on a much different schedule than other dive shops. As a note this was the same company as I used in Thailand. In all fairness too, there were other complication during the week with weather and that made things very challenging on the dive shop.
Without going into all the details I really felt that I was the only one pushing my training. I felt like I was doing the job of the dive shop. I was frustrated. I decided to sit down with the head diver and discuss the situation and gave him some honest feedback. It was a good discussion and I was able to see things from his point of view and realize the other items in which he was dealing with in this case...dealing with people on vacation who dive occasionally adds an entire additional level of complexity to the situation. Not to mention the 2.5 days they lost due to the weather. We agreed on a plan and were able to move forward.
In short I was able to finish my OW Cert, and do not feel that my training was compromised. If I was to due all my OW Cert at this place, I think I would have been disappointed. I did learn that all Dive Shops/Resorts are not created equal. I have had 3 experiences with different dive shops so far and they have varied in many levels of service, administration and equipment. Even research before hand may not prevent a bad experience. I can only say that the the only one who really cares about your training, experience and enjoyment is YOU.
Equipment wise going forward. I would recommend purchasing your own equipment and knowing it backwards and forwards. This really is true for a Dive Computer. I saw this for the first time this year, having a few items that were my own really made a difference and helped in this situation. Even though I may only dive once a year, I really think that having my own equipment is beneficial. Right now I am really looking at my next purchase to be a BCD.
So to answer the OP original question (and prevent hijacking this thread on my own), I would not expect this is a normal experience but mileage does vary from dive shop to dive shop. Review post here on SB and see what shops other recommends. Good luck