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On New Year's eve 2000 some some friends and I did a midnight dive in Bonaire. We brought a squeeze tube of champagne (try that!) and some party favors -- you know, the kind that unroll and honk. The paper part quickly shredded when wet, but the plastic honker portion worked great! More fun than a tank banger...

As a former Special Forces and Ranger Paratrooper I did enjoy the first two installments of this show about E Company of the 101st Airborne. Yes, they did infact show the clickers in this show and also in the Longest Day. They were supposed to be used instead of passwords. One click to challenge two clicks to answer. In the Longest day a trooper mistook the click of a German's bolt action loading a shell into the chamber of his rifle for the answer...big mistake. It was shown on HBO here and as somebody said... it will be on Sunday nights for a total of 10 shows. (Two already shown.) As for underwater usage I haven't got a clue...if they work great! If not...not much money for it.

I can vouch for the fact that linking up with your unit on the DZ after a night jump can be very difficult since one can't shout, show any light or make a lot of noise unless one would like to draw fire to himself.
Just saw that film. I was very impressed with the depth and intensity of the film. It was very compelling. I would definitely recommend it.

When I need to get the attention of someone under water, I just punch the fist of one hand into the palm of my other hand several times. It makes me look like an angry diver, but it works pretty well. I can get the attention of divers as far away as 15 to 20 feet. Give it a try.
I think the best dvice is something called "Marrachas" or "Rattler". may be know in other names as well. It's a metal tube, about 10cm long that has several little mettal balls inside. when rattled under the water it makes quite some noise (that's why I hate it).

Another option is a "tank banger". just put a plastic ball on a bungie cord, tie around your tank. than pull and let go. It will be quite noisy.

Or there's my favorite solution, takes some practice- hit with you feast as hard as you can against your palm. with proper training, it should make enough noise (that's what I use with students, I hate seriouse noise).
But last time I hit my feast, I splattered the soup all over the queen!

(sorry...couldn't let the obvious just lay there)
Hey All,

THE ABSOLUTE BEST uw noisemaker is the Mini-Hammerhead! The whole family has one, and since you can shake it fast and hard, you get everyone's attention. We always start a dive with "Shave and a Haircut" with massive rattling at the "two bits" part.

Uh, Mike, you did me proud by that one... It was a souper comment! It was really a bread taking moment. Looking forward to meating you one day (uh, that LAST one sure sounds flaky, don't it... :tease: ) Spew you later dude!!!
Hey Liquid,

I think the word you were looking for is fist. Not to worry though, inspite of these jokers and their ribbing, I think we got your meaning.

Keep up the good work.


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