Diver0001:I have the si-tek cuffs too and they're definitely bulky but I think he might be talking about something else, like the system of rings and seals used on some of the Bare dry suits.
Hahahaha... this just keeps getting better! My suit is one of those Bare dry suits.
Diver0001:The si-tech cuffs use the existing seal. There is no possibility that the seal could pop off even if the cuff came loose. The most you'd get is a flooded glove. I have, however, had a *glove* pop off once..... It happened when I fell about 5 metres down the ladder on the outside of a ship will all my stuff on (long story). Somewhere along the line the glove got dislodged, so at least in theory I know it's possible when falling down a ladder.
No, the seals on my suit are held on by the rings (designed to be changed without having to reglue them to the suit). I suspect in this case, if the ring were to somehow come off (thus, removing the whole seal) the suit would then flood. I'll have to make a mental note not to dive down any 15-foot ladders and risk popping the seal! Good tip...