Is sitting for the IE required before you go through Instructor's Specialty training?

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC
# of dives
200 - 499
Since all of the Instructor specialty courses are always scheduled after the IE, I am guessing that it is a prerequisite to pass the IE first. It would make sense, but I found out yesterday that there will not be an IE where I had planned to go through the IDC which is scheduled to start tomorrow. That changes the dynamic for me trying to obtain certain specialties. I am sure with some research that I can find this information on my own, but sometimes this can be a quicker way to obtain info. Thanks.
Since all of the Instructor specialty courses are always scheduled after the IE, I am guessing that it is a prerequisite to pass the IE first.
Yes. There are a handful of specialtiies (e.g. Project AWARE specialties and PPB), at least in PADI-land, that can be taught by an Assistant Instructor, for example, and certification as an AI does not require the IE. But, the pre-requisite for certification as a Specialty Instructor generally requires that the person be at least an Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI), and that requires passing an IE.
It would make sense, but I found out yesterday that there will not be an IE where I had planned to go through the IDC which is scheduled to start tomorrow. That changes the dynamic for me trying to obtain certain specialties.
Don't know where you planned to do IDC, although it sounds like you are possibly planning to go someplace to do a full-time IDC, and take the IE immediately afterward at the same location. There are regular IEs offered in the US, although you may have to travel to participate - e.g. we recently sent three candidates to an IE in Destin, FL after they completed their IDC here in NC.
Small world. I am currently in Bocas del Toro, Panama, but I grew up in Burlington and was originally certified in Greensboro 18 years ago. Yes I am considering going somewhere else. As it stands I would be going back to Myrtle Beach after the IDC here and then having to make a trip to Florida next month for the IE. Since I would have that expense, I am not sure if I would not get a better value going through an IDC somewhere else. The main specialty that I would be interested in getting is Nitrox Instructor and is not an option here anyway. There is nothing deep here to see so the only deep dives are during AOW certifications. Therefore, there is no Nitrox available on the island. Anyhow, thanks for your input.
DM's can also teach Emg O2 Provider and Dig U/W Photography
As it stands I would be going back to Myrtle Beach after the IDC here and then having to make a trip to Florida next month for the IE. Since I would have that expense, I am not sure if I would not get a better value going through an IDC somewhere else.
Maybe, maybe not. If the IDC is taught as a 'straight through', 'full-time' IDC, so it only takes a couple of weeks, it may be worthwhile, IF you can get data on the success rate of the IDC graduates in passing the IE, and see that the rate is very high (suggesting comptent IDC instruction and candidate preparation).
The main specialty that I would be interested in getting is Nitrox Instructor and is not an option here anyway. There is nothing deep here to see so the only deep dives are during AOW certifications. Therefore, there is no Nitrox available on the island.
I wouldn't base my decision - regarding whether or not to do the IDC there - on whether an Enriched Air Spoecialty Instructor course was being offered afterward.

MOST, but certainly not all, Specialty Instructor certifications are obtained through direct application, in which the candidate certifies that they have the requisite diving experience in the specialty area - and, in the case of Enriched Air, are a certified Enriched Air Diver.
I was aware that there were things that did not require the Instructor certification that could be taught and I plan on going through the IE. I know I could not teach them before I took the IE but can I go through the courses before the IE. If they would just go into affect once I pass the IE then there are some things I could do here. As far as basing a decision on the EAN Specialty I naturally am not or I wouldn't have come down here. That being said it does play into my decision at this point. The big thing that I see is that there seems to be several places that run specials if you sit through the IDC and MSDT (Specialty Instructor) courses. If doing some further training here beyond he IDC is an option then it makes things easier. I know I should probably bite the bullet and talk to the owner of the shop, but I would like as much info as I can get before I do. I did a divemaster internship here, had a great time and got what I think was excellent instruction. He has already had 3 people back out in the last few days which but him in the position of not being able to host an IE. Before I talk to him I would like to have the information that I think along with talking to him would allow me to make a decision. Thanks for the input already and maybe the added factors will make my situation a little clearer.
As long as you complete the IDC you can enroll in specialty Instructor training, and then take the IE at a later date. PADI won't process the specialty Instructor ratings until you have passed the IE, and also have 10 dives in each specialty Instructor area (if applicable based on taking the class with a Course Director). Taking the specialty Instructor class is an extension of the IDC, and in some locations candidates have to wait a while or travel to other IE's, which is the rational on allowing it if the IE has not yet been sat. There are monthly IE's held here in the Bay Islands if it helps.
. . . but can I go through the courses before the IE. If they would just go into affect once I pass the IE then there are some things I could do here. . . . The big thing that I see is that there seems to be several places that run specials if you sit through the IDC and MSDT (Specialty Instructor) courses. If doing some further training here beyond he IDC is an option then it makes things easier.
OK, the additional information makes your goal much clearer to others. Andy's comments are spot on, and also point out that there are IE opportunities readily available. Have fun.
As long as you complete the IDC you can enroll in specialty Instructor training...

There has been a slight change to the prerequisites for attending Specialty Instructor Training courses...

PADI CD Manual:
PADI Assistant Instructor or PADI Instructor certification; or currently participating in or
completed an IDC/OWSI Program within the past 12 months.

Only a slight change... Essentially what Andy said was correct... You can complete the training before an IE, but will not be able to teach it until after an IE has been passed, the paperwork has been processed and teaching status has been granted... Digital Underwater Photography and Emergency O2 Provider Specialty Instructor Training may be undertaken by PADI DMs and above too...

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