Is It Time For A DIR Forum???

Should There Be A DIR Forum ?

  • Yes, start a new DIR forum!

    Votes: 59 46.8%
  • Yes, start a Non DIR Forum

    Votes: 11 8.7%
  • No, leave things as they are!

    Votes: 32 25.4%
  • It really does not matter.

    Votes: 24 19.0%

  • Total voters

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factions is sorta analagous to the 'Separate, but Equal' stance to racial's inherently wrong and ain't gonna work.

It's my opinion that the integration of ideas is better than the segregation of ideas.

The DIR approach is gaining acceptance nationally as well as globally. Granted, there are some proponents that tend to evangelize and thereby alienate, but to cordon off sections of the board to exclude specific topics of discussion will greatly diminish the quality of interaction here.

If someone finds a particular poster too aggressive or adamant in their recommendation or rejection of DIR (or other) prinicples, we have an IGNORE feature that works quite well.
I think there should be...far too many times I've seen non-DIR divers (including myself) beat to smithereens when they dared disagree or question the authoritive powers of DIR.

If DIR-ers are such an 'elite' breed of divers (and gear), then let them have their own forum area for their benefit and others who have no interest in DIR. Certainly this would prevent non-DIR divers from asking foolish, irritating questions, etc. and from DIR-ers being annoyed by those less interested in DIR.

Let the DIR-ers have their own forum so they can discuss the long hose, Halcyon gear, BP's, etc. and let those who dive recreational BC's and reg setups have their own.

Surely, this will avoid 'bashing', name-calling and flaming of members.

Just my $0.02....
Are you a complete idiot?

How many times have you switched from DIR to "non-DIR"?

Get with with it, get some experience before you flap your lips. You have zero clue about anything about diving beyond your experiences in your OW class.


ps- love your OMS logo avatar attempt. You're lucky they didn't catch you and sue your sorry butt.
There we go..more proof of how DIR-ers relate to non-DIR-ers.

If you go to OMS's web site (and I doubt you ever have) you'll see where one can use the OMS logo for links, etc. w/o having to request 'formal' permission.

I doubt OMS would find someone endorsing their products as infringement.

So does than mean that anyone using a cartoon avatar is violating copyrights as well? If so, there is going to be alot of members being sued....
Scuba446 once bubbled...
There we go..more proof of how DIR-ers relate to non-DIR-ers.

you consider me as a "DIR-er"? A little research would show you I've taken both sides many times.

<edit - Rick Murchison>

Did you link your "avatar" to OMS? Bet that's a requirement, isn't it? You think if an OMS rep came here and reviewed your post history that they'd let you use their logo? TUSA might, that's as close as you'll get.

The problem I see with a seperate forum is where do you draw the line.

If you are talking about bp and wings is that DIR or just another form of BC. Same thing with the long hose, etc.

Would all discussion of these things be limited to the DIR forum or only training and DIR specific configurations.

Just my thoughs.

if somebody wants to talk on a "DIR" forum... join quest.

What some people here seem to be calling DIR is not DIR. Equipment is not DIR
Long hose configs are used by many that are not DIR. BP/wings are used by many that are not DIR.

DIR is a combo of equipment, philosophy, mentality, etc.

A DIR forum would NOT be the place to limit discussions pieces of equipment. These equipment discussions belong in the existing equipment areas.

People see long hoses and think "hey... that's DIR crap". Same with bp's and wings. Should we then add bungeed compasses and computers? No. Equipment is equipment. Keep those discussions where they are.
at first I thought a DIR area would be good. A place for those types of divers to discuss what works/doesn't work for them, much like our tek sections. I am not so sure now. Two things make me vote for "no DIR section"

1) Anti-DIR divers and some non-DIR divers would like to segregate DIR divers. They are tired of many of the arguments, and hope that if we cordon them off, they might go away. I think they ought to learn something about that from Sen Lott.

2) It appears that MOST DIR divers DO NOT WANT such a forum, for many and varied reasons. They want equipment discussed in the appropriate forums (which makes sense to me) and they are starting to feel like a red headed step child... no one seems to want them.

Well, I learned something about giving people things a long time ago. My mom seemed to think I liked red. And every birthday, I would get a brand new pair of red corduroys... which would take their place beside the OTHER non worn corduroys in my drawers. If they don't like it they won't use it. Why force something on them that they just do not want and so will not use? I mean, this forum would ostensibly be for them... why do it if they don't want it? That's the sad part about the poll in the other section. You have non-DIR divers voting for how DIR divers want to be treated. I know of at least one war fought over that principle (and thank God that we won it). So, for the record, I didn't vote and I won't vote, since my vote shouldn't count anyway.

Sure, there is ample animosity on both sides of the dive table. That does NOT make it right. Name calling and segregation have no place on; NO PLACE. No one has a corner on diving knowledge, and only fools think they do. So learn from everyone, and if you don't like a certain subject, just steer clear of it when you see it come up. You don't have to read or even agree with every post. That goes for people too... it is obvious to MOST of us that some of you don't like each other. Deal with it, and ignore each other. No need to flame... no need to get ugly (I got the corner on that)... just switch to another thread that won't make your blood boil or go take your medicine.

And no, I am not DIR, or Anti-DIR... I am simply NON-DIR. I do dive a modified hogarthian reg, and they happen to agree with me on that. I don't buy all their theories (like horizontal off-gassing), but hey; I don't buy all the crap from anti-DIR divers either.

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