Well, it's an old thread, but still worth contributing to.
We dove the Utila Aggressor last year. Based in Utila (Honduras), your travel plans are:
- Fly to San Pedro Sula (big city inland)
- Nice, big, airconditioned bus to the coast
- Small boat to the island of Utila
- Get on Aggressor
So, while in San Pedro Sula we were plesantly surprised to find out the franchise had replaced the 6 hours of bus/boat with a 45 minute ride in a Cessna 210! Woo hoo!
It wasn't until after the trip we found out why, from Utila locals: the week before, a busload of divers, while transiting to the coast, had been stopped, everyone gotten out and made to lay facedown, while the highway robbery proceeded. They took everything right down to their passports , wallets, dive gear and luggage. In the words of one local, the only thing they
didn't do was leave them naked.
While I applaud Aggressor for immediately changing their arrangements and flying us to avoid the risk, this is a example of unneccessary risk that will divert me from a region. That and political instability.
A bit of research is always needed to elute the truth, however - as we departed to Fiji last month, we had folks that thought we were nuts. "Don't you know there's a coup going on?!?" We never saw a bit of it, and the locals said they had read about a change in leadership in the papers, but that's all.
All the best, James