Well, you mention ice diving, what, six times? Sounds like you're itching to get some more cold water 
But seriously, if you dive regularly in water in the 50-60 range, a drysuit is simply a fantastic investment; it'll likely be the biggest positive difference you'll experience in diving (and you're hearing this from the likes of folks who spend $1500 on flashlights and $3000 on scooters). Even when I'm in Hawaii diving 75 degree water, during the surface interval and second or third dive of the day I'm shivering just wishing I brought my drysuit with me.

But seriously, if you dive regularly in water in the 50-60 range, a drysuit is simply a fantastic investment; it'll likely be the biggest positive difference you'll experience in diving (and you're hearing this from the likes of folks who spend $1500 on flashlights and $3000 on scooters). Even when I'm in Hawaii diving 75 degree water, during the surface interval and second or third dive of the day I'm shivering just wishing I brought my drysuit with me.