I was talking to JeffG today. I mentioned that I was going through a bunch of old papers that I got off the internets, with most from around 1999/2000. I had printed them off because I thought at the time the information on them was worth saving. Stuff like explaining the oxygen window theory, Bakers' dozen of 100% over 80%, the basics of DIR, George's deco practices... etc etc. Really crest of the wave, edge of the knife stuff. Most of it came from Techdiver, some from rec.scuba and a couple from TDS's early days. Authors were people like GIII, JJ, Eddie Brian, Scott Hunsucker, Mike Kane, Bill Hamilton, ...(oddly enough one of the things I saved was DA Aquamaster's 3rd post to TDS. I guess everybody can be right once in a while).
Flash forward 9 years and the biggest topics are 7' vs 5' hoses, how to prepare for Fundies, and whether or not a Dive Alert is DIR.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry...